The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex is an awe-inspiring expanse of untamed wilderness nestled in the heart of Montana's Rocky Mountains. Spanning over 1.5 million acres, this complex is a mecca for outdoor adventurers and nature enthusiasts, offering a true escape into the unspoiled beauty of the American West.
Named after the renowned conservationist "Bob" Marshall, this complex encompasses three wilderness areas: the Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Great Bear Wilderness, and the Scapegoat Wilderness. Together, they form one of the largest intact ecosystems in the continental United States, teeming with diverse wildlife, pristine rivers, towering mountains, and lush forests.
Hiking trails wind through the complex, revealing breathtaking vistas at every turn. Remote and rugged, these trails lead adventurers deep into the heart of the wilderness, offering a chance to disconnect from the modern world and immerse oneself in the serenity of nature. Backpackers can spend days or weeks exploring the endless backcountry, camping under a blanket of stars and waking up to the symphony of the wild.
Art by: Great River Arts
Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex
This vintage-style sign is available in multiple different sizes in your choice of wood or metal.
Wood signs come in four different sizes, are affixed with a picture-hanger on the back, and are recommended for indoors or outdoors under an eave. Extra Large wooden signs (48x65, 35x82, 48x82, and 47x47) ship disassembled.
Metal signs come in three different sizes, are embellished with corner grommets for hanging, and are recommended for indoor or outdoor use.
Materials: Locally-sourced plywood or galvanized steel.
Disclaimer: Maps are intended for decoration only, may contain erroneous information, and may not be used for navigation. All geography changes over time. Lake depths not only change over the years, but season-to-season as well. And ocean depths, of course, change with the tides.